Tuesday, August 24, 2010


I probably say this too often, but I feel like life is like a television series. A well written script and cast of interesting and not so interesting character. Sometimes the plot is predictable and sometimes it comes out of left field. If we were to diagram events of our lives, we'll find a string of interesting information. I have been saying recently, "it's a new season, new cast, new everything."

I feel like this is going to be a reboot of my story. People are different, more so than they seem. I understand things so much more. A new scene to be filmed, a new story to tell. The last couple months has seem a bit different for me. I think it's because I have been going about things differently and I did enjoy the events of the summer very much. I can't wait to see how the next couple months unfold. What twist will arise. Who is returning, who is new, who is just making a cameo. A new season has started and it's completely different from any other.

-David M.

Monday, August 23, 2010

The Return: A String of Thoughts to Live By

Just thoughts that have been sitting around. Maybe I should share...

In my moments of weakness I realize I have to be stronger.
We all have our demons, we have to know what they are.
We all have seen the light, but how many of us has turned around to see the shadow it casts?
Perspiration is the result of how much work we put into things physically, tears is the result of how much work we put into things emotionally.
Bricks make nice walls.
If you fall, you are the only one to pick yourself up.

I should write these down as they come instead of banking it on memory.

-David M.