Sunday, January 17, 2010

Adventures at a Best Buy

I was buying printer ink at my local Best Buy with my friend Teng. This is the happenings that occurred as the transaction was being made.

I approached the cashier.
Cashier: Do you have a Reward Zone Card?
Me: No.
Teng: You can sign up for one now.
Cashier: I wasn't going to ask, but you can.
Teng: It'll help you save money.
Cashier: It doesn't help you save money, you earn money.
*I'm paying for the item.
Teng: You're pretty.
*I glanced to see if she was, I wasn't paying attention earlier; she was.
*A brief silence
Cashier: Thanks.
Me: Teng, you're a creep.
*Cashier laughed
Me: Have a good one.

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