Sunday, April 12, 2009

Odd Dreams...

Last night I had a dream, it was bit odd. No, it was not a strange as my normal dream, does that make it more odd than previous dreams?

Regardless of such, I had a dream about someone I haven't consciously thought about, or at least I would like to think about it that way. Though, it wasn't anything noteworthy, it was still a good dream. It was just a conversation, though parts of the dialogue has become extremely vague at this point; it was still reminiscent of something familiar (Yes, I'm being vague here for a reason too). It was pleasant however, that rarely happens.

Though, there was a strange flip in channels afterwards. I ended up being in a room handcuffed to someone in a room with 6 other people cuffed in pairs, and one person watching over us. Turns out it was a zombie scenario, and when the siren went off the people cuffed somehow broke free, and I stayed behind. No relevance either, but probably should be mentioned as well.

I wonder what will I dream about tonight?

-David M.

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