Sunday, April 12, 2009

Target: Easter

I was planning to go to the local Target (The one on Roosevelt) today to get some a tube of Neosporin for a cut that I got from my xacto on Tuesday; I know is a bit late. Also, some fabric glue for my dad. When I entered the parking lot, I found the lot to be desolate. It seem almost apocalyptic, even though society was still functioning outside. The empty second floor lot made it seem like scene from a Fast and Furious or Transporter film; I wished I had a camera on me, it was a rare sight. Other cars, entered the lot only to be confused.

The bigger question is, Why is Target closed on Easter!?

-David M.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I passed by Target on Easter and also wondered why it would be closed.....some other stores were open though.