Sunday, July 19, 2009

As of Now...

I haven't really been blogging as much, as such. I would think summer would be a great opportunity to be witty and explore. However, it has hardly been the case. Working 9-5 has taken is toll. As much as I feel like a working professional at the end of the day, it seems kind of grim. Maybe, I'm just not use to it.

I do, do things on occasions on other days. Though, I feel like my life needs to be a lot more interesting, I don't know why, I'm happy with the ordinary. Though, some part of me looks for something just a bit more interesting.

Summer is winding down. I'm trying to close as much unfinished tasks I left open a couple weeks ago, and a couple summers ago. I keep finding new distractions and never coming back to old distractions. This is kind of depressing in a way.

Half-way through summer also, I haven't made much contact with much people. I don't know if is much of my responsibility as it is with others. I think I'm a very lazy person when it comes to keeping in touch, as I feel like I shouldn't make idle conversation from long distances; I've always preferred to make idle conversation within a 10 feet radius. Just a least this summer I have been spending more time with friends I made in college oppose to previous summer, so, that is some effort.

Communications has always baffled me...

-David M.

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