Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Post 101: Robots

I didn't realize I have written 100 post prior to this and now this is post 101; is almost binary and the subject of this post.

I think I brought this up before, either in person or have I blogged it once before. Anyways, today after a lunch at Millennium Park with the design team and the walk back to the office. My friend described me to the freelancer working with us as, "He's a robot with a heart." Is nice people recognize me as a nice guy, no matter what attitude I give them, one of the designers inserted, "a robot that is full of sass"; I think that is something to be proud of. Though, I'm commonly associated with some type of machine. I just find it...offsetting, for lack of a better word. Maybe, they see me work too hard.

I don't know, I'm always associated as some type of machine, is depressing. Then again robots can't be emo. Though, I'm glad I think my characteristics do translate through all groups of people. Like my friend Tony pointed out once, I'm a person without enemies.

I digress.

-David M.


Nik said...

are you a Wall-e kind of robot?

DMei4 said...

Wall-E works pretty hard, but I'm much more articulate.