Saturday, December 19, 2009

Analog to Digital: Digtal to Analog

Despite being a digital person, working with digital related medias. I do on occasion work with my hands. I enjoy working with my hands, the analog aspect of crafting things definitely outweighs the feeling of creating within a digital realm. When things take a physical form I can't describe the feeling, I'm overwhelm by the feeling of creating.

This thought came up when I first learned how to develop black and white pictures. Despite the tedious nature of it, it was nice. It really helped pass the time. When I decided I should make images for people, there was a surge of happiness in making them. I can actually hand them in image that encapsulates a place, a time, a location. However, this moment exists because it is physically held. Oppose to a digital image, it exist somewhere, but not in your hands. Just knowing an individual would be happy that you're handing them something that actually exists makes me happy.

Just putting it out there.

-David M.

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