Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Looking Up is the Thing to do

Just when you are at rock bottom (academically speaking), you realize you are only drowning on the shallow end of the pool. I just realize how that sentence can lead to something completely negative, but is pretty a positive post (something not so common on here, haha).

Let's start off the day at Music Theory, scored my second A on a quiz, and realize an A is still doable in the class, just need to score at least an 72 on the last quiz and I'm good, and there is one less B to worry about (yes, I know is very Asian of me to think of that). Moving on to Photo, seems like the instructor think I deserve an A if I keep up the good work, which I have ponder since every single critique, even though he personally admit he just made an ass about himself when he said I had an attendance issue, though I corrected him that I have yet to miss a day. Finishing the critiques and dreading an upcoming or so I thought Thursday crit. with the professor realizing how absurd and demanding thing to do. Turns out is pushed back to Tuesday and it does not need to be dropped into the farm. Even though, I spent the last three days diligently working, I'm glad I have some breathing room, but I think it will help with me just working on it instead of thinking I have the time to do it, and just think I have less. All in all today was a good day of discovery.

To touch lightly on a personal issue, I'm relieved I can still have a conversation with someone that I thought I completely rubbed the wrong way over a year ago. Even though, it was not a one on one conversation it was still a casual one. Even though I stayed like an extra hour in the AA building, I find it refreshing. I've gain back a small piece of my confidence. Also, I'm flattered that someone mentioned me as a lady killer (after I found out the actual meaning), even though I know is just a joke, I'm still flattered.

-David M.

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