Sunday, November 9, 2008

Strange, but Sane

No, the title has no relevance to the subject of the post. I just find it to be a nice way to keep track of my one liners of the week that I come up with. Though, I write them in my moleskine I hardly look at after the notes have been taken. Let's get onto the issues.

I guess I'm not a conformist because I'll like to congratulate the President Elect Barack Obama on a job well done, 5 days after his victory (truth is I was too lazy to fill in the blanks between Tuesday and now). Is great Obama is in office, and what's even greater is a Democratic party in government now. Lets hope the gears of change is in motion. Not to sound like I'm full of cynicism (which I'm usually am), I don't think people should put all their hopes and admiration into one playing card, that being Obama, cause the cause for change is not in Obama, it is in us, the people. Given the recent observation of some people, I think some people fail to realize to grasp this concept. I hope for the best when he is in office, but what I hope for most is that people will start to change, in order for change if that makes any sense.

Also, a thought that ran through my mind this week is, what will happen to Chicago? As much as I try to avoid using this explanation to describe Obama, but he has celebrity status. So, what does this mean? Is Chicago hip now? I mean we've always been recognize as a great city, but not THE city. I mean lately a lot of great things has come out of Chicago, and Chicago is home to some of the more popular entertainers in the country right now, from Kanye West to Barack Obama. I really want to see Chicago become a driving force in America, to become a city where people want to be, but also not become a soulless douche city (*cough*, LA *cough*).

Speaking of Hip-Hop, Lupe Fiasco's announcement of LUPE.N.D was announced to be triple CD, so, I'm hyped about that. Also, 808s and Heartbreak is just a couple weeks away, so, something to look forward to.

Well, here comes the part you've all been waiting for, me! Nothing much seems to be going on at the moment besides school work, and I love how conveniently I worked my schedule to slide in more work to my regiment. Just shows you guys how much I love school, if only she was a smoking hot mistress I wouldn't mind. Though, in reality is probably been a very long relationship that I find pointless in bailing now, as I'll probably never find another lover anytime soon (that is the best analogy I can come up with, now if I only can find a way to slide in 'sitting on the couch with a can of beans', I might become a writer). So, the days are dwindling and it seems unreal. Anyways, if I'm not doing anything, I'm probably doing work and if I'm not working, I'm probably going through a serious guilt trip of not doing any work.

Seems, my friend has been getting well, though some habits hasn't change much I think he's slowly getting there. Despite it only being back for a week is still up to him to stay on track, and I hope he does. The last couple weeks just made me realize I should stay in touch with people more, though, I've always find the phone to be the most annoying tool ever and I always have this very awkward feeling talking into a piece of plastic. I've always been more comfortable talking face to face, and if I only had to the time to see people face to face more often. Which, I'm finding I have less and less time doing. I wonder when will I don't even have the time to see myself in the mirror, though I think I still have the time, I'm reflecting in this blog now, am I not? Though, there is probably a bajillion things I can write about, I won't. This is an adequate amount to unload at the time being, and looking at the time I should be sleeping, then slave to the desk for about another 8 hours. Oh, my mistress (homework), how I love you so, yet you show me such disdain by giving me paper cuts (I work with computers!).

-David M.

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