Saturday, February 7, 2009

A New Threshold

Referencing back to the Jørgen Leth piece, the Perfect Human. I think the line the resonated with me the most is the line, "Today, too, I experienced something I hope to understand in a few days." I guess the last couple of days I think I understand this experience just a little bit. Maybe not entirely, but I think I learn to assess this situation a lot better. A lot calmer than the last couple weeks I would say. That's about it. It doesn't seem like is going to change the out cause.

Regardless, the last couple of days I just reflect a lot about my behavior. More or less my temper/emotions. As a kid I use to be temperamental the slightest nuisances would have set me off (this was probably up until age 5). I remember getting into two physical altercation as a kid over something that was probably stupid. Over the course of the last 16 years, I "blew up" probably 3 to 4 times in between. Which, is probably a much different face people are use to seeing. Shortly, afterwards I find these people distant from me. Which, has always led me to find a calmer center and a higher tolerance for things. I just don't ever want to lose my temper in front of other's again, not with the people I know now. I realize is a "human" thing, but sometimes venting isn't always the best venue.

I think the next couple days will be more "normal" if I have to describe it, but more or less right now, I think I have a working formula. Mainly due to the weather.

Sometimes I don't think my post makes much sense, but it makes sense to me.

-David M.

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