Thursday, January 22, 2009

I Don't Think I'll Ever Dream Properly Again

Is nothing strange per say, but to be blunt about it. I was in class the other day and some of my classmates mentioned the movie, Paprika. Apparently is a very good movie and might I add, it is a really good movie. So, good I decided to dig up some Satoshi Kon films. So far, I've only watched Paprika and Perfect Blue. Both movies are great stories though they are what some consider "anime" movies, think of them more as animated features because they were both based off novels, and not graphic novels either. However, it was kind of strange to see both movies dealt with dream states. One about being able to go into dreams and analyze them. While, the other was a psychological thriller and it utilized the dream states to its full advantage. However, I don't think I'll have nightmares, but definitely it brings up interesting subjects about dreams. Rest assure, I will sleep well at night (I hope you get the pun)

-David M.

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