Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Strangest Dream (No, Not the One from the Other Night)

I've been having a string of strange dreams, yesterday's was just too strange to comprehend even for my standards; though it was probably an entertaining one for lack of a better word. Though, today's was simple, humorous and the very most comprehensible.

The dream goes as follow...

I don't remember what happens leading into the end of the dream, but I was speaking about something very profound, and in the end I pointed at a phone. Next thing you know, the home phone rings, and wakes me up at 8 in the morning. Yea, not the deepest of dreams, but I think it's worth mentioning; it kind of felt almost omnipotent given the "seriousness" leading up to the ringing.

Though, I couldn't sleep at all afterwards, I went on a whim to buy ingredients to make pancakes and croquettes. I should do things on a whim more often.

-David M.

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